Hey there....Alicia again!
Well, birthdays in another country can be very interesting. I tried to make Dan's birthday as fun as possible. I think everyone started to catch the vibe...including Benie. She was so hyper! You see, every year on Dan's birthday I get him a cherry pie. Key word...."get". Since there are no Grand Traverse Pie Companies around the corner here in Gabon...my first mission was to make him a cherry pie (which would be my first pie that I have ever made).
Luckily! We had the Mertzes here for a short-term mission trip.
John Mertz is an orthopedic surgeon, and his wife, Andrea, used to be a nurse. I was able to steal Andrea away from the hospital on Monday afternoon for "Operation: Dan's Birthday". Let's just say, it took us 4 ovens to finally get the pie, apple crisp, and oatmeal cookies done for Dan's birthday. (We were feeling a bit ambitious!)
Here's the final outcome....(A huge "thanks" to Andrea)
Dan's day started with breakfast in bed. And yes, that is an oatmeal cookie with a side of hot chocolate. Who says you have to be healthy on your birthday?
Dan's primary gift was a Puppy! She has been so much fun. Isn't she getting huge? |
Dan received a Lego set from Aaron Dorn. If you look closely, you can actually see a twinkle in Dan's eye! |
This was the card/book that I made for Dan. The picture on the cover is the first picture you saw on this blog post. |
SHOES! Dan got new shoes from his mom and dad. He's had them for about a month now, but I re-wrapped them for his birthday. |
The card on the Left is from my parents and the one on the Right is from his parents. We thought the difference was really funny. Dan got a new belt and a dress shirt from my parents that are back in the States waiting for Dan's future job interviews. |
An unexpected gift from another Missionary couple: The Hofmans. It's funny that a pop from Michigan should end up in Africa :D This picture is supposed to be a flash-back from when it was cool to rock your boom-box on your shoulder.
We made Bacon Cheeseburgers and Fries for Dinner. It was really good! |
Finally! I close-up on the cherry pie. Dan has been rationing it ever since his birthday. |
Yes, you read right. It does say, "Birthday Girl". Birthday candles aren't too common out here. |
So surprised. He thought he was getting an apple pie. (Which is why we had to make an apple crisp to throw him off.) Hehe. |
Overall....I think the birthday went well :) |
One last thought...we were trying to figure out what we were doing for Dan's birthday last year. It turns out we had a wedding shower his birthday weekend a year ago. Isn't it crazy to think back where you were a year ago. Now, Dan is 24, has a wife, is living in Africa, with a puppy. Crazy!
Love from the Jungle,
Alicia & Dan